
What We Do

We work to ensure that all people in West Lothian have local and low cost access to a regular programme of good quality creative activities that promote independence, confidence and good physical and mental health. We were established in 2004 and are funded through a range of short term restricted project funds, donations and unrestricted fundraising activities.

Our Aims Are:

95% of participants recently surveyed said that their health had improved as a result of taking part in a Generation Arts class

with the same percentage attributing both mental and physical improvements to the classes. 86% noted that they felt these benefits were sustained for a period greater than 6 months. Some people noted significant health gains – improvement in conditions such as asthma and other respiratory illnesses, able to walking longer distances and weaker limbs being strengthened. Positive impacts on serious life issues were also highlighted by 17% of attenders – degenerative muscular and cognitive diseases, cancers, joint replacements, grief, chronic pain and isolation were specifically noted.

The cornerstone of our work has historically been our care programme.

delivering creative, professionally facilitated high quality dance and music sessions for very frail and elderly people, geared to their needs and designed to stimulate those with dementia and those near end of life care.

Additional to the care programme we run our community programme of dance groups, an intergenerational dance class, and a choir meeting weekly throughout the year in community venues in Livingston and Bathgate. All of our community classes invite a £3 weekly donation.

Our annual programme always includes these two main strands – the care programme and the community programme. The care programme is free at the point of delivery and our other activities invite donations on a regular basis. We are working towards making the community programme self-sustaining so that all our fundraising efforts can go to continuing our work in care homes.

We receive annual project funding from a range of Trusts, Foundations, public sector, Lottery and one off local funders.

We also deliver a number of special projects each year that have been identified in conversation with strategic partners such as West Lothian Council, Alzheimer’s Scotland, Creative Scotland, Age Scotland and NHS Lothian. Examples of these include celebration events which bring everyone that participates in our projects together, 2 x 10 week long arts projects in day centres specialising in dementia care, and a half day masterclass for dancers age 60+ followed by performances by Scotland’s leading elder dance groups during Luminate: Scotland’s Creative Ageing Festival. Our biggest items of expenditure are artist’s fees, venue hire and the fee for our part time freelance coordinator.

Learn More

Please click through to each section to learn more about our work.

Arts & Care

Arts activity for people in residential, day care and sheltered housing facilities across West Lothian.


Weekly classes across West Lothian, from Choir to Dancing. We'd love to see you there.

Arts & Hospitals

Creative participatory arts and wellbeing projects in hospitals.


We help facilitate joint cinema trips and activities across 5 community cinemas in West Lothian.

Arts & Mental Health

Our arts and mental health programme for adults across Lothian.


We provide support for anyone trying to reach out and bring the arts to the people of West Lothian and beyond.

Support Us

There are a variety of ways you can get involved with our work at Generation Arts. Please click the link below to learn more.