Celebration Day Poem

Each year we host a Celebration Day,

bringing our participants from care settings together for an afternoon of arts workshops, professional performances, sharings of work and scones. What could be nicer. These photographs show what a great time we have.

This funny and poignant poem below was the result of the Creative Writing and Reminiscence workshop that ran during our 2012 Celebration Day. The poem was written by artist Emily Dodd, with contributions from members of the workshop.

These are the memories from Marion, Jane, Malcolm, Anne, Grace, Bill, Sib and Robert.

I remember
I was the first teacher at Riverside Primary School.
I remember
Dancing the eightsome reel in the hall.
I remember
We used to go down on a Saturday to buy paraffin. 
Me, my Mum, my Dad and my dog.
I remember
Every miner had a number. 
When you finished your shift you got your token out of the pit heid. 
I remember
You got a threepennie piece for pocket money. 
You could get a lot with that, back then.
I remember
The bombs were falling..
I remember 
“What the hell are you going to do with that hand grenade?”
And I said.. “Get some fish!”
I remember
The steam trains. 
The kiddies loved-em. 
The steam used to go all over them.
I remember
Gala Day. 
You had a ribbon taped around your neck with a tinnie, hanging… 
for your milk when you got to the park.
Memories are for remembering.